The summer has flown by like Endeavor on a 747, and suddenly it is not only fall, not only October, but the start of Classical Underground's sixth season. Our heads are spinning but somehow a fine program has come together, with a distinctly eastern-European timbre.

As always - bring your spirits, food and drink for you and your friends to enjoy. Please RSVP via PayPal above. If you have problems with PayPal - don't want - email us right away!
On October 1st we will have CD213 - their newest C&A piano to the group of concert pianos.
It is enormously exhilarating to feel how LA is boiling with new ideas at the moment. With soul-searching questions about the future direction of the art world appearing almost daily from its various corners, our notorious LA gang -- in a resurging realism of our time which I call NOVOREALISM -- is making itself heard and felt with ever-rising force.