Rex Lewis Clack, musical savant, profiled on 60 Minutes and on KABC news the last time he played at CU. It is always a very special occasion when Rex shares his great love of music with us.

John Steinmetz is a freelance bassoonist in L.A. who also composes, writes, and teaches at UCLA.

Eric Neufeld is a recovering bassoonist who has traded the irritation of working with recalcitrant reeds for the annoyance of piano intonation

Pepi Pilibossian, an incredible collaborative pianist, our CU regular, performing rare authentic music.
Pianist Ryan MacEvoy McCullough, making his mark as an artist of great versatility and musical fervor, has studied with John Perry at the Colburn Conservatory and Thornton School of Music, and has appeared with numerous orchestras throughout U.S.
Aroussiak Baltaian violin, has gained international attention through her extensive appearances as a prominent recitalist, soloist, chamber musician and recording artist. She is a member of the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra and performs regularly with the LA Phil. She also serves on the faculty of the Music Department at the Master’s College.
Cellist Peter Myers is becoming known as a chamber musician of great lyricism, imagination, and color. He has performed abroad in Germany, Japan, Laos, and Mongolia.

Harout Senekeremian, pianist, is an eager participant in the performance of new music. Senekeremian continues to concertize in both solo and chamber concerts in Southern California as well as maintaining an active piano studio.
3.Andante (E flat major)
Frédéric François Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Eduardo Delgado, piano
LA today is a unique global cultural crossroads. With remarkable talent from every creative field coming from all over the world, we are enormously fortunate to participate in and benefit from an intangible yet remarkably consequential and famous phenomenon called "knowledge spillover".
Paris roughly 100 years ago was justly famous for it, when Picasso and Braque were charting the course of 20th century ART out of her creative juices.
James Panero just wrote a fabulous article on it.
In some ways Classical Underground is an exercise in such a "knowledge spillover" when music and art as forms of Classical vision "cross-pollinate" each other.
The fusion of various schools of thinking is particularly evident within the newly and excitedly emerging current day realism, where thirst for knowledge in classical visual form is truly inspiring. While most established academic institutions fail to address the need for a thorough realist "fine art" -- not "illustrationist" education, the grass roots "underground" effort is tenaciously filling the void with the growing popularity of live drawing and painting classes along with the sharpened interest in its guiding principles and practices.
This substantially raises the importance of an "underground," "un-approved" by the reigning art establishment teachers, and highlights the inherently communal nature of culture based on sharing of "forbidden" knowledge, and which in turn contributes greatly to a volatile mix inside of LA's creative pressure cooker.
One of the wonderful art thinkers, teachers and artists in this phenomenal and deeply "insurgent" movement within our community is our good friend, Vadim Zanginian.