classical underground is endorsed by LA TimesWhat a hot summer we got! There is so much great news to report! With an amazing LA Times endorsement of the Classical Underground concept, our cause is definitely taken us to the next step of sharing our message that ART in its true and pure form has a major role in the modern society despite of what anyone says or even to all the evidence to a contrary. Serving ART within a modern commercial world – is an ultimate act of defiance. Classical Underground proved to be a platform that can and will amplify all the voices of such defiance. That is what we stand upon and nothing else matters.

It also seems that an unlikely idea of presenting ART free of any commercial reasoning is getting its own ragtag gang of supporters. And what supporters they are! STEINWAY PIANO GALLERY OF HOLLYWOOD
is our official sponsor for the next event
We are extremely proud and delighted to announce that our new friend in this magical town of ours - Steinway Piano Gallery of Hollywood will be sponsoring our next event!

Not only they will provide their incomparable instrument /Model ...D... Concert... Grand... no less - whole 9' of it! / thanks to our dear friend and Steinway Artist Jura Margulis performing as part of our program, but also they will underwrite the substantial transportation costs, a highly unusual and most generous gesture for which we are deeply grateful. From our point of view Steinway is not just another business or brand - it is one of the true and rare synonymies of "ART" at its sublime and exalting. We are so ecstatically happy that for the next evening the famous Steinway sound will merge with our very special Classical Underground Sound.
The amazing level of our musicians, our incomparable audience and the very special atmosphere and spirit of CU truly need the instrument that will match them. It is our deep belief that this instrument is the Steinway piano, the one and only, and we are so appreciative that for this night our dream comes true. Thank you, Gavin, Thank you, Jura!
We much look forward to Steinway's great future /as business/ in this town as well as for our continuous friendship and collaborations.
from Adina and Liviu
Another great example of pure generosity of heart is a completely unexpected gesture of our “true believers”, loyal CU listeners and great art enthusiasts Liviu and Adina Eftime. You are not going to believe this, but they came the other day taking a two-hour drive and very demurringly asked to help them with the box out of their car. In it there was a brand new, top-of-the-line piano bench, which every pianist that ever had to pull books from my library before performance knows how desperately we needed. Full leather lift for four hands…if this is not a pure kindness of heart, than what is?! Thank you, Liviu, Thank you, Adina!
Adina and Liviu with their gift - the piano bench

What a great reminder that CU is a unique and collective collaborative effort for the common goal. We just all do our part and to every one in our magnificent all-volunteer crew alone with every musician and painter that ever graced all of us with their incomparable gifts we owe such great measure of gratitude. That is what keeps ART alive.
Another great news and the next subversive adventure to come is our very own Classical Underground recording label. The tracks for the first album sound absolutely remarkable, perfectly conveying the intimate presence of our unique setting. That is thanks to the tireless and selfless efforts of our unsung CU hero, our very own Steinway tech guru and genuine sound magician Oleg Schramm.
Oleg Schramm

I would like to take this moment to extend the heart-felt gratitude to musicians and painters who pursue nobly their ARTS despite all, to our great audience that is a future of Classical Music and Arts, and to our remarkable all-volunteer crew of joint collaborators:
Maksim Velichkin – cellist, our great Music Director and a co-founder of music series
Oleg Schramm – a recording artist, who rocks on keyboard with the greatest in the game, top-gun Steinway tech and recording expert, our incomparable and selfless sound magician
Olga Vlasova – the artist in heart, marketing and management guru, whose “capitalist shark” credentials will be essential to CU growth beyond our walls
Julie Resh – our own video wiz, veteran Hollywood exec, and a musician soul, her insightful videos will enable to share the CU experience as wide as broadband gets
Charles and an Unnamed friend whose help with all that needs to be helped with in order to stay the course is so appreciated.
And, of course, our true hero, inspiring friend who set the new standards of what it means to support ART today and how it could be done outside of all existing establishment structures – Rick Rand, nothing would’ve ever happened without him. Thank you Rick for your friendship and for your true heart!